Friday, December 5, 2008

vocab poem

Ferocious butterflies anxiously beat their wings within, transforming formerly amiable people into irascible ones instantly. The silence is effusive with apprehension; the mind, thoughts. The gargantuan yellow vehicle piques interest as it releases the tawdry team onto the field. The once odiferous and redolent, the grass is tainted with the stench of opposition; a stench evocative of bloodshed. Tap, tap, pass. Mesmerizing rhythm and motion of the outer body attempt to counter inner madness. Tap, tap, pass. The first whistle blew. One chance. One moment. One game winning finesse. Tap, tap, shot. Exuberance rises with every touch; every sting of the ball after it crashes into your flesh. Tap, Tap, check. Every play must be strategic; every move, dexterous. Tap, tap, pass. Give it all you’ve got. Tap, tap, sacrifice.

irascible (adj)- easily provoked to anger
effusive (adj)- pouring out; overflowing
redolent (adj)- having a pleasant odor
pique (v)- to excite
mesmerize (v) - to hypnotize
tawdry (adj)- low or mean
finesse (n)- a trick, artifice, or stratagem
evocative (adj)- tending to evoke
exuberance (n)- the state of abounding in vitality
dexterous (adj)- skillful in the use of hands or body

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

I like the scene. I want the glare of the lights beating down on you too. You guys always play at night, right? Nice cadence. -elmeer