Sunday, May 3, 2009


Driving a Mercedes Benz stereotypically connotes wealth, high class, and superb taste. If you own a Mercedes Benz then you are among the elite and your car says all of this to the world as you zoom by others driving their run of the mill trucks and mini vans. You’re different, or so the manufacturers would lead you to believe.

In this commercial Mercedes Benz strives to give off the impression that their car will make you appear smart because of your vehicle choice. The woman who attempts to order fast food in the library obviously lacks in the common sense department, even though she strikes one as an attractive woman. Mercedes Benz compares their car to her, saying that not only is a Mercedes striking to the eye, but is also a smart choice because of its performance ability. This message, however, is entirely subjective in that some feel that choosing a Mercedes makes you ignorant rather than smart. The statement, “Beauty is nothing without brains.” is also subjective. Depending on the person choosing, lacking in brains may be preferable.

The ethos of the commercial comes in the form of disdain for those who lack common sense and a longing to have both beauty and brains. The look on the librarian’s face evokes the first. Speechless at first, the librarian has a bewildered facial expression. The silence of the library places emphasis on the woman’s ignorance as the place is obviously not a restaurant. Mercedes encourages the viewers to pay closer attention as the woman proceeds to whisper while those around her remain silent. Once the attention is captured, the commercial proceeds without words and relaxing, elegant music is played as the car being sold is displayed. The viewer, still in a state of mockery of the woman, is now receptive to how they can avoid becoming like her. The solution: Mercedes Benz has both beauty and brains.

Mercedes’ advertising strategy is ingenious as it first makes one self conscience as to whether or not they have beauty and brains, and then proceeds to offer a solution. For the insecure, the situation is perfect. They can have it all if they just buy the car.


Teenie rose said...


APLITghosts said...

Teenie's comment is much better than mine. Staci, did they ban this commercial? I have never seen it. I like it, but you need to write longer my child. Good one.